A republic is a form of government in which all affairs of are of public matter, thus nothing is hidden from the people. Public offices are appointed or elected openly, and officials do not receive titles or offices through private appointment, or anything else.Also, public code of law or constitution defines the governmental power and the rights of citizens, and posted publicly for all to see.
Rome became a republic durring 509 BC when Superbus's son, sextus, raped Lucretia, who then committed suicide because of this act. This event sparked anger in Collatinus, Brutus, and Valerius, who brought Lucretias dead body for all to see in the city and confronted Superbus and his son about what he, The son, had done. Avenging Lucretia's death, they killed Sextus and Superbus fled. then Brutus and Collatinus became the rulers, by election, and thus it became a republic, changing Rome's history forever.
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