Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The History of Rome

What is a republic, and when, how, and why did Rome turn into one?

A republic is a form of government in which all affairs of are of public matter, thus nothing is hidden from the people. Public offices are appointed or elected openly, and officials do not receive titles or offices through private appointment, or anything else.Also, public code of law or constitution defines the governmental power and the rights of citizens, and posted publicly for all to see. 

Rome became a republic durring 509 BC when Superbus's son, sextus, raped Lucretia, who then committed suicide because of this act. This event sparked anger in Collatinus, Brutus, and Valerius, who brought Lucretias dead body for all to see in the city and confronted Superbus and his son about what he, The son, had done. Avenging Lucretia's death, they killed Sextus and Superbus fled. then Brutus and Collatinus became the rulers, by election, and thus it became a republic, changing Rome's history forever. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

In The Beginning

Rome was founded in 753 BC, and the origin of Rome begins with legend about when Romulus and Remus came to be. Rome was founded when Romulus created a city and aloud anyone to live there and all these misfit people came (all dudes) and then her was like, "yo, where my ladies at!" and he realized  that his city would die without them so he had his army host a party with the Sabines, then stole the women and forced them to bare children. A few years went by and the Sabine men came back to avenge their women, but by then the women were already married and had children with these people, so they called a truce and became a united power.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Learning Targets / Rubrics
3.1 - Differentiate Roman Republic from Roman Empire
3.2 - Explain past and present impacts of Roman culture
3.3 - Analyze factors in collapse of Western Roman Empire

MY personal learning goal is to learn what kind of cultural arts they did. 
  1. When, where and how was Rome founded? 753 BC, by people
  2. How was the government of the Roman Republic organized? democracy 
  3. When and how did the Republic turn into an Empire?after Caesar was killed Augusts came in an made it an empire
  4. How was the government of the Empire organized?after each death a new person came to office
  5. When, where, why, and how did the Romans expand?
  6. What are Rome's greatest architectural and technological developments?
  7. What was important in Roman culture?
  8. Who were important Roman leaders?
  9. What caused the collapse of the Roman Empire?
  10. How did Rome alter history?
  11. How does Rome affect us today?
  12. What lessons can be learned from Roman history?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Greco-Persian wars

In 499 BC, a great war erupted between the Greek city-states and the Persian empire, ruled by Darius. Ionian greek city-states revolted against Persian rule, and Athens supported them. this caused King Darius to invade Greece in 490 BC,  after putting down the earlier Ionian revolt. First, the Greeks defeated the Persians at Marathon. After that, Greek forces, led by the Spartans and King Leonidas defended the pass at Thermopylae against the onslaught brought by KIng Xerxes. They battled a much larger persian army, thus ended up being wiped out. Then, the Persian sacked and burned Athens, and went on to fight the Greeks at the strait of Salamis. the Athenian navy tricked the persians to fight in the narrow strait and ended up slaughtering them. finally they travel to Plataea where the ended the war by defeating the Persians.